miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

20 Facts You Didn’t Know About Batman

Here we present 20 facts about the mysterious guy known by everyone, Batman.

  1.  Ben Affleck is the only actor to wear both a Batman suit and Superman suit in two different films.
  2.  The word “batman” is used to refer to someone’s personal servant – So, Alfred Pennyworth is actually Batman’s batman!?
    What if Alfred had his own batman? It would be Batman’s batman batman? That’s too much for me!
  3.  It was the fans who killed Robin. In 1988 readers were asked their opinion about the end of Robin’s story, the majority (5343 out of 10000) voted for his death, so he was promptly killed. 
  4.   Batman was once the name of a position in the military. It was a position of an officer’s orderly or servant
  5.  Quentin Tarantino doesn’t like Batman, claiming he’s “not a very interesting character”. According to Quentin the best Batman could be played by Alec Baldwin in the ’80s.
  6.  Batman fought ebola in the 90’s and Robin almost died.
  7.  Batman was inspired by da Vinci, movies and masked men. Wings were taken from Da Vinci’s sketch of a flying device, the suit and the identity were inspired by the movie “Bat whisperers” 1930, the rich alter ego was inspired by the movie “The Mask of Zorro” 1920, the radio show character named the Shadow inspired the cloak of Batman, his dual identity and his sleuthing talent.
  8.  Gotham is actually in Nottingham. The visit of the author Washington Irving to England before making the movie was rather inspiring.
  9.  Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) was in Batman Returns (1992) as Penguin’s Dad.
  10.  Andy Warhol directed the first ever Batman film. His work, “Batman Dracula” was never officially released though.
  11.  The secret Batman’s identity is not so secret. In fact eleven characters know (or have known) that Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same person.
  12.  A version of The Beatles exists in the Batman universe. While saving the world Batman had some interest for popular culture as well.
  13.  There’s a lost film called “Batman fights Dracula”.
  14.  Batman outsmarts the Riddler so hard he goes insane. The Riddler made a “perfect trap” for Batman but the superhero managed to escape it. The shock and curiosity affected the mental health of the Riddler so much he was taken to Arkham Asylum.
  15. Luke Skywalker is the voice of the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series.
  16.  Batman is perpetually 34 years old. But he has a well-rounded history including Cambridge and Sorbonne education, FBI experience, martial arts training in Asia.
  17.  The Dark Knight is the first Batman film not to incorporate the word “Batman” into its title. It was successful that Christopher Nolan decided to make another movie about the superhero without the word “Batman” (“The Dark Knight Rises”).
  18.  Tom Hardy (Bane) needed 3 inch heels to be the same height as Christian Bale so he could “look him in the eyes” in Batman
  19.  There’s a city called “Batman” in Turkey.
  20. In 1996, both DC and Marvel comics published a crossover series where Batman and Wolverine were made into one character named Dark Claw.
    That character looked like this:

25 Facts about Pikachu

Pikachu is the signature Pokémon of the anime series, and the first Pokémon obtained by Ash on his journey as a Pokémon Trainer.

Check out these electrifying facts about Pikachu, the most adorable and famous Pokémon

  1. Pikachu is a mouse Pokémon.
  2. Pikachu is 1 foot, 4 inches tall (40.64cm) and weighs 13 pounds (5.9kg).
  3. A female Pikachu has a dent at the end of its tail.
  4. In the anime, Ash’s pikachu is male.
  5. Pikachu is very strong in the show, but having a Pikachu like that in the games wouldn’t be as easy, because Pikachu’s Defense and Special Defense stats are rather low.
  6. Pikachu recharges its electricity whilst it is asleep.
  7. In Japanese, Pikachu is spelt: ピカチュウ.
  8. It evolves from Pichu when levelled up with high happiness.
  9. Pikachu evolves into Raichu when exposed to a Thunderstone.
  10. Pikachu’s are mainly found in forests.
  11. Pikachu has a special fondness for ketchup, but has been seen eating berries and apples.
  12. Pikachu’s are weak to Ground-type moves.
  13. “Pika” is the Japanese word for the noise of electricity crackling. “Chu” is how the Japanese describe the sound a mouse makes. That’s how the name “Pikachu” was created.
  14. In Japan, Pikachu is the equivalent of the USA’s Mickey Mouse. People are often hired to go to public places in a Pikachu costume, such as malls and amusement parks, to entertain the kids.
  15. Pikachu is voiced by Ikue Outani.
  16. In the Red, Blue and Yellow games, Pikachu couldn’t learn Thunderbolt naturally and had to be taught it through the TM.
  17. Pikachu is Ash’s only Electric-type Pokémon.
  18. In the anime, Ash’s Pikachu is also the only Pokémon in the entire series that has been able to defeat two legendary Pokémon.
  19. Pikachu will attack anything that pulls its tail.
  20. In the Pokémon game franchise, Pikachu is the only non-flying type Pokémon that can learn the move Fly, through special events.
  21. In the games, Pikachu’s highest base stat is in Speed.
  22. The original Pokémon mascot was going to be Clefairy, however Pikachu quickly became more popular.
  23. Pikachu and Raichu share the same species name with Rattata, Raticate, Sandshrew, and Sandslash. They are all known as Mouse Pokémon.
  24. Pikachu has been referenced in many other shows, including: American Dad!, Heroes, South Park, The Simpsons and Top Gear.
  25. Niue released a one-dollar coin featuring Pikachu as part of a commemorative promotion for the Pokémon franchise, with Pikachu on one side and the nation’s coat of arms on the other.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

Chocolate facts

Do you feel guilty after eating some chocolate?

Probably, next time you eat a piece of chocolate, you may not have to feel overly guilty about it, at least, not at all. 

Despite its bad reputation for causing weight gain, there are a number of health benefits associated with this delicious treat.
Chocolate is made from tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds. The earliest use of chocolate dates back to the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica, and after the discovery of the Americas, chocolate became very popular in Europe, and its demand exploded.

Since then, chocolate has become an incredibly popular and loved food product that millions eats everyday for its unique, rich, and sweet taste, and also the healthy benefits of it.

The potential health benefits of chocolate

 Today, chocolate is lauded for its tremendous antioxidant potential.Throughout the years, chocolate has been on the end of a lot of bad press because of its fat content, and its consumption has been associated with acne, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. 
The potential benefits of eating chocolate are said to include: lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cognitive decline, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.
Chocolate may lower cholesterol levels
Chocolate consumption may help reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
A study published in The Journal of Nutrition was carried out to determine whether chocolate bars containing plant sterols (PS) and cocoa flavanols (CF) have any effect on cholesterol levels.3
The study authors wrote "results indicate that regular consumption of chocolate bars containing PS and CF as part of a low-fat diet may support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure."
Chocolate may prevent memory decline
Scientists at Harvard Medical School suggest that drinking 2 cups of hot chocolate a day may help keep the brain healthy and prevent memory decline in older people. The researchers said that hot chocolate can help preserve blood flow in working areas of the brain.
Chocolate may reduce heart disease risk
Research published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) has suggested that consuming chocolate could help lower the risk of developing heart diseaseby one third. The report was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Paris, France.
Chocolate may prevent stroke
Canadian scientists carried out a study involving 44,489 people and found that people eating chocolate were 22% less likely to suffer a stroke than those who didn't. In addition, those who had a stroke but regularly consumed chocolate were 46% less likely to die as a result.
Teens who eat lots of chocolate tend to be slimmer. Researchers from the University of Granada in Spain found that high chocolate intake among teenagers is linked with lower levels of total fat, compared to those who do not each much chocolate, even when accounting for other factors (including exercise).
Chocolate, wine and berries may protect against type 2 diabetes. Consuming high levels of flavonoids, which is found in chocolate, tea, berries and wine, could significantly help protect against type 2 diabetes, according to a study recently published in The Journal of Nutrition.
Chocolate could prevent obesity and diabetes, study suggests. Researchers discovered that a certain antioxidant in cocoa - the main ingredient in chocolate - prevented mice from gaining weight and lowered their blood sugar levels. Their study was published in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry in February 2014.
Could a cocoa extract prevent Alzheimer's?
Researchers found that a cocoa extract - called lavado - may reduce or block damage to nerve pathways found in patients with Alzheimer's disease. This means that symptoms of the condition - such as cognitive decline - could be prevented.

Some risks and precautions

Chocolate has a high calorie count, containing large amounts of sugar. Therefore, if you are trying to slim down or maintain your weight, it may be a good idea to set a limit on your chocolate consumption. The large amount of sugar in most chocolates can also be a cause of tooth decay.
In addition, there is research suggesting that chocolate may cause poor bone structure and osteoporosis.